Keeping Kids Company, the charity founded by Camila Batmanghelidjh, which went into a high-profile liquidation in 2015, has been the subject of a Charity Commission report into the charity’s administration and management. The conclusions of the report, published earlier this year, differ significantly from the conclusions drawn by the High Court after the culmination of a 10-week hearing in late 2020.
In this article (which was first published in Private Client Business, a Thomson Reuters publication P.C.B. 2022, 5, 175-180), Jennifer Emms, Rosalind Hetherington and Jerry Jamieson consider the report and its key findings, comparing them with the conclusions drawn by the High Court.
To read the full article, please click here: Kids Company: who rules?
Jennifer Emms
Private Client Partner
Head of Charities
Named a ‘rising star’ by legal directories, Jennifer’s practice spans a range of private wealth and charity law matters as well as commercial trusts.